Selling your veterinary practice isn’t just professional—it’s personal, too.
You’ve worked for years—even decades—to build your practice. But even when you know that you’re ready to move on, the prospect of selling is daunting.
Many clinic owners find themselves asking questions like…

How am I supposed to figure out exactly what my practice is worth…and then find a qualified buyer who’s prepared to pay that?

How can I find a buyer who shares my values, so that I know my clients and patients are in good hands when I step away?

How do I handle a complex transaction like this—and keep up with the day-to-day demands of a working vet clinic?

I’ve been approached by a corporate buyer—how do I know that their valuation of my practice is fair?
Veterinary Practice Advisors has been brokering practice sales in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, and California for over 20 years.
And if you’ve received a cold letter from a corporation interested in buying your practice and you want to talk it through with someone who will have your best interests at heart, we’re here to support you.
John and VPA are worth every penny and more.
“They are more than just “brokers,” they are matchmakers that will help you find a buyer that fits with your culture, your dreams, and your goals—and they will get you top dollar for your practice.”
Dr. A, Phoenix metro area

Why choose VPA?
We’re a boutique brokerage, and we say that proudly. When you choose VPA, you’ll work directly with us (Jim & John), and we’ll be as hands-on as the sale of your practice demands. We got our start in our home state of Arizona, and we know the market inside and out in a way that national brokers don’t. These days, we also broker sales elsewhere in the Southwest and around the United States.
Veterinary practice sales have a lot of moving parts. With over 20 years of experience, we’re pros at anticipating any challenges that might arise. When you partner with us, you don’t have to worry about the stress of trying to sell your clinic while working full-time.
We’ll do the heavy lifting—and get you top dollar for your practice.
How It Works

Step 1
Assessing Your Practice
We’ll look at the financials of your practice to see how profitable it is and determine the value of your assets.
Then we combine that with our first-hand knowledge of the local market to provide you with an easy-to-understand estimate of how marketable it’s going to be—and to whom. is your clinic a good fit for a corporate buyer? Or will it be more attractive to individual buyers?

Step 2
Locating a Buyer
Based on our initial assessment, we’ll prepare an info sheet and approach potential buyers. We’ve got a sizeable network of both corporate buyers and individuals looking to acquire a clinic.
Once your practice is listed and offers start to come in, we’ll help you understand the pros and cons of each and make an informed decision.
Our goal is to match you with a buyer who shares your values and will continue to provide the same quality of care for your clients and patients.

Step 3
Sale & Transition
After you accept an offer, we step in to handle the legal aspects of the sale, from physical assets to staffing.
We’re here every step of the way to ensure a seamless transition to new ownership.
Thinking about selling your clinic?
Give us a call. We’re always happy to answer questions and talk through options.